Sunday, September 27, 2020

September 27, 2019 27 Septembre 2019

September 27, 2019

It was the Climate march today. There was a sea of people in the street. I was impressed.

27 Septembre 2019

C’était la marche pour le climat aujourd’hui. Il y avait un océan de personne dans les rues. J’étais impressionnée.

#larucheanimation #drawing #art #inkdrawing#lastyear #cahier #dessin #feeling_good #goal #instaart #gramart #BD #illustration #artiste #marche_pour_le_climat #climat_march #GretaThunberg #green #shark #robinhood #requin #vert #robindesbois #fish #poisson #earth #terre #excecutioner #boureau #camera #impress #impressionner #merdemonde #manypeople

Saturday, September 26, 2020

September 26, 2019 26 Septembre 2019

September 26, 2019

We were cooking together again. It’s always a pleasure.

26 Septembre 2019

Nous cuisinions ensemble encore. C’est toujours un plaisir.

#larucheanimation #drawing #art #inkdrawing#lastyear #cahier #dessin #feeling_good #goal #instaart #gramart #BD #illustration #artiste #love #lover #amour #amoureux #plaisir #pleasure #fun #potato #mix #mixitup #boyfriend #girlfriend

Friday, September 25, 2020

September 25, 2019 25 Septembre 2019

September 25, 2019

I was looking for a new jacket. I loved this one but it was too big for me.

25 Septembre 2019

Je me cherchais un nouveau manteau. J’aimais bien celui-là mais il était trop grand pour moi. Domage.

#larucheanimation #drawing #art #inkdrawing#lastyear #cahier #dessin #feeling_good #goal #instaart #gramart #BD #illustration #artiste #new_coat #bikercoat #manteau #fripperie #thriff_store #toobig #tropgrand