Tuesday, January 18, 2022

lockdown day 25 confinement jour 25

 January 18, 2021 lockdown day 25

I was doing some cross-country ski at night, but before the curfew.

18 Janvier 2021 confinement jour 25

Je faisais du ski de fond durant la nuit, mais avant le couvre-feu.

Monday, January 17, 2022

lockdown day 24 confinement jour 24

 January 17, 2021 lockdown day 24

I was giving a triple peanut to the black squirrel.

17 Janvier 2021 confinement jour 24

Je donnais une peanut triple à un écureuil noir.

Sunday, January 16, 2022

lockdown day 23 confinement jour 23

 January 16, 2021 lockdown day 23

I was drawing all day. It was fun.

16 Janvier 2021 confinement jour 23

J’avais dessiné toute la journée. C’était amusant.