Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Lockdown day 81 Confinement jour 81


March 15, 2021 Lockdown day 81

I was still dizzy from the time change. It always takes a few days to get over it.

15 Mars 2021 Confinement jour 81

Je me sentais toujours étourdie du changement d’heure. Il me faut toujours quelques jours avant de m’en remettre.

Monday, March 14, 2022

Lockdown day 80 Confinement jour 80


March 14, 2021 Lockdown day 80

Daily saving time was starting and I truly hate this time change, I wish I could stop it.

14 Mars 2021 Confinement jour 80

C’était le changement à l’heure d’été et j’haïs ce changement d’heure. J’aimerais pouvoir l’arrêter.

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Lockdown day 79 Confinement jour 79


March 13, 2021 Lockdown day 79

We were listening to Wanda Vision again. I really wondered why it was so good.

13 Mars 2021 Confinement jour 79

Nous écoutions encore Wanda Vision. Je me demande vraiment pourquoi je trouvais cela si bon.