Friday, March 18, 2022

Lockdown day 84 Confinement jour 84

 March 18, 2021 Lockdown day 84

We were watching a French Canadian show called the blue house. It was hilarious! The third season is coming out at the end of this month.

18 Mars 2021 Confinement jour 84

Nous écoutions La maison bleu. J’avais tellement ri au dévoilement des billets de banque de la république du Québec. La saison trois va sortir à la fin du mois de mars.

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Lockdown day 83 Confinement jour 83

 March 17, 2021 Lockdown day 83

I celebrated St-Patrick day with a good Guiness but at home. Again!

17 Mars 2021 Confinement jour 83

Je célébrais la St-Patrick avec une bonne Guinesss, mais à la maison. Encore!

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Lockdown day 82 Confinement jour 82


March 16, 2021 Lockdown day 82

Damn curfew! I was taking a walk and I forgot to change the time on my watch, so I thought everything was fine, but it was really 7:45 Pm. So, I had 15 minutes to get back home and I was in no way close to my home. I ran a lot on that night.

16 Mars 2021 Confinement jour 82

Maudit couvre-feu!