Thursday, May 19, 2022

Lockdown day 146 Confinement jour 146

May 19, 2021 Lockdown day 146

We were feeling rotten does to the vaccine. Our bodies were hard at work.

19 Mai 2021 Confinement jour 146

Nous nous sentions mal après la vaccination. Nos corps travaillaient fort pour faire les anti-corps.

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Lockdown day 145 Confinement jour 145

 May 18, 2021 Lockdown day 145

I was getting my first vaccine shot. It was over before I could notice it was happening. Everything went well. Thanks to everyone who helped with the vaccination.

18 Mai 2021 Confinement jour 145

Je recevais ma première dose de vaccin. C’était terminé avant que je puisse m’apercevoir de la piqure. Tous c’était bien passé pour la vaccination. Merci à tous ceux qui ont participé aux efforts de vaccination.

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Lockdown day 144 Confinement jour 144

 May 17, 2021 Lockdown day 144

There was an earthquake this morning.

17 Mai 2021 Confinement jour 144

Il y avait eu un tremblement de terre ce matin.