May 5, 2020
We were playing mario Party and my boyfriend just took a candy to crush me.
5 Mai 2020
Nous jouions à Mario Party et mon copain avait pris un bonbon qui allait m’écraser.
May 5, 2020
We were playing mario Party and my boyfriend just took a candy to crush me.
5 Mai 2020
Nous jouions à Mario Party et mon copain avait pris un bonbon qui allait m’écraser.
May 3, 2020
We were watching the outside window in the appartement. I had to use a pitcher because we didn’t have a garden hose yet. I was like seeing clearer after the great wash.
3 Mai 2020
Nous lavions les fenêtres de l’appartement. J’ai dû utiliser un pichet car nous n’avions pas encore de boyau d’arrosage. Après c’était tellement plus clair dans l’appartement.