Sunday, March 28, 2021

March 28, 2020 28 Mars 2020

 March 28, 2020

We were watching the original Ghost in the shell. It was my lover’s first viewing of this masterpiece of animation. He really enjoyed it.

28 Mars 2020

Nous regardions le film original de Ghost in the shell. C’était la première fois que mon amoureux regardait ce chef d’œuvre de l’animation. Il a vraiment trippé.

Saturday, March 27, 2021

March 27, 2020 27 Mars 2020

 March 27, 2020

We were starting a new tv series; Orange is the new black. It was great!

27 Mars 2020

Nous commencions à regarder une nouvelle série télé; Orange is the new black. C’était vraiment bien!

Friday, March 26, 2021

March 26, 2020 26 Mars 2020

 March 26, 2020

My back was hurting like crazy from all the linocuts I been doing for the last days. I had to take a break for a few days.

26 Mars 2020

Mon dos faisait terriblement mal. Je croyais que c’était due aux linogravures des derniers jours. J’avais du prendre une pause de quelques jours pour m’en remettre.